Stay at Home Mom- My Love Hate Relationship

Disclaimer: This post is strictly written for me. I believe we all make the choice to do what is best for our families regardless of if we choose to work or stay home.

I have to say I never pictured myself as a stay at home mom. My mom worked outside of the home and I never questioned her love for me. She was and is the most amazing mom to me and I know that she always did what was best for me.

Over the last 11 weeks I have been so blessed to be at home with my two precious children. I have loved nothing more than being their mommy. However, these 11 weeks have proven to me that I have a love-hate relationship with the stay at home mom.

I love staying in my pajamas all day! I hate feeling like a complete ugly bum when looking in the mirror realizing it is 5:00 and I still have not taken a shower!

I love that if I don’t finish the dinner dishes there is always all day tomorrow! I hate being a procrastinator and getting nothing done because I know there is always tomorrow!

I love that my days consist of baby talk and four year old wisdom! I hate that when I try to carry on an adult conversation it’s like my brain has turned to mush and I simply cannot complete a full sentence!

I love eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with chips, fruit punch, and Oreos for dessert. I hate the way my thighs rub together when I walk!

I love getting kisses and hugs whenever I want them! I hate that I haven’t gotten that big “I’ve missed you soooooo much today” hug in a long time!

I love being creative with playdough and making silly faces to make Jaxton smile! I hate not using all of the skills I have worked so hard to earn (Master’s in Reading, ESL specialist, and National Board certification)!

I love being their full time role model! I hate knowing that whenever they aren’t so perfect it is all my fault (Ashlynn- throwing a fit bc I didn’t give her enough m&m’s, and Jaxton- thinking he needs to be held his entire nap time)!

I love being a mom; my two children are the most amazing gift God could ever give me! I hate that the selfish part of me longs to have some time for just me (even if it is just the 20 minute drive to and from work)!
Well there it is. I am sure I could keep going, but you get the point. I am going back to work next Friday, February 12th. I am so sad to be leaving my babies! I know, however that their Nonnie (my mom) is so supper excited to be taking over.

Now you can just look forward to my next post…..When is summer break because I hate being back at work-HA!

P.S. What post would be complete without a couple of pictures of the kiddos ?


  1. This post is hilarious! It will be nice to get out of the house I think! I wish we had all that snow. We got about 2 inches here! Just enough to play in, build a snowman, etc...and now it is slowly melting away! Miss ya

  2. I love you! What great thoughts!

    That pic of Ashlynn is adorable (Jax too!:)

    Enjoy your last week--I'll be thinking of you! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I didn't get to finish my last post! Ok so....I LOVE this post so much! I can totally see both sides however, what is wrong with staying in your pjs all day and eating bon bons and not taking a shower until 5?!?! HA! I love the pics of the kids!! They are both so cute and still can't believe how big A is getting! Jaxton is such a cute little handsome man! Miss you!!


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