Take me out to the Ball Game
I went to my second baseball game ever today. The first one I only went to to impress a boy, like that got me anywhere-HA.

Apparently is was actually a very good game. Those of you that know baseball please excuse my ignorance. I don't speak baseball. All I know is that at the bottom of the 9th Kentucky was ahead by 3 and then this boy hit a grand slam and everyone in the crowd went crazy wild. I clapped and tried to look very excited, but to be honest I had no clue what was going on. I think the most em brassing thing was I kept just standing there while everyone around me left. Apparently I missed the memo that the game was over! Oh well it was a wonderful family fun afternoon and don't tell Marshal , but I would go to another baseball game if he asked. 

It is no secret that baseball is not my favorite sport. I mean come on, a bunch of boys standing around on a field spitting and waiting for a ball to come flying at their face. What is so exciting about that? I just don't get it. There are so many rules and it all just makes absolutely no sense to me at all.
Today we got invited to sit in the Regions Bank box for the third game in the series of Arkansas vs. Kentucky.

As much as I don't want to admit it, I had a great time. The weather was gorgeous, the food was yummy, Ashlynn had free rein of the entire box, I ate Cracker Jacks and the Razorbacks won!

P.S. If you didn't see yesterdays post you have to see my cuties at their Easter egg hunt
(sorry I just don't typically post twice in one weekend).
(sorry I just don't typically post twice in one weekend).
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