What to Blame
I was reading and article in Parents magazine this morning about improving your memory. I am usually pretty good about remembering things, but lately I can't see to remember the simplest little things.
For example, Saturday morning I was going to make waffles for my family. I got the bacon out and the sausage out (we have to have both because Marshal wants sausage and Ashlynn , Jaxton (I am sure), and I want bacon). I put them in there skillets and started cooking them. I then go to make the waffle mix. I start measuring out the Bisquick when I remember we are out of eggs. Ok crap first mistake. After a little discussion with Marshal about what to do next it is determined that Marshal is just going to drive down the street to get donuts while I finish cooking the meat.
Off Marshal goes. About that time Jaxton starts crying. One thing I will say about that boy is I have not taught him patience very well. He starts off with a warning fuss, that turns into a cry, which then turns into something that sounds like a tornado siren. I mean, I tried to explain to him that mommy had to what until the meat finished cooking before I could come get him. I had already been popped with bacon grease twice and didn't want to take the chance of it popping on him. Well any way he chose not to listen to his momma, which is starting to be a bad habit of his, might I add.
Ok the meat is finally done. I take it out of the pans, go get Jaxton and come into the bedroom to feed him.
I am just a feeding away and Ashlynn is dancing and singing to Imagination Movers when all of the sudden Marshal bust in and screams Andrea are you ok?
Umm yes we are in here.... Why?
Thats when I get up, walk into the kitchen, and realize.....the entire house is filled with smoke and it stinks to high heaven!
I forgot to turn the stove off! The grease was just burning away. Thank heavens I have my very own Emergency Manager to rush in and save me.
Needless to say I got a "what in the___ where you thinking " look. But here's the deal... I wasn't thinking.
So Parents magazine gave me several suggestions to improve my memory. Am I losing it because I am a new mommy ? Is it because I am not using it to learn new knowledge by taking classes? Or maybe it is because I am not talking on the phone enough? Yes, Marshal the article clearly says talking on the phone improves your memory...
Who knows. All I know is I clearly have lost it-thank goodness I have all of you to take up the slack until I find it again-HA!
Ok here are some random pictures just because...

Am I going to have to start asking you about the stove? Um..tell M that we need more time to talk on the phone so he is just going to have to accept it! HA! You are a great mama and I LOVE your pics!