How Embarrassing

So leave it to me to start a Friday morning off with a bang! This past Friday started like any other normal Friday. I got up, got ready for school, and left for work. As I was driving to work I begin to feel really weak and had that “oh crap I am going to pass out feeling”. I guess I have always just thought passing out was part of life. I do it on a fairly regular bases (once or twice a month), but normally at home and normally only around Marshal.

So any way on with my story…I am about to pass out. I pull over on the side of interstate and roll down the windows and drink a little water. I sit there for a few minutes and then decide that I need to get to work (after all I am suppose to take 18 kindergartners on a field trip at 8:30-I have got to pull it together and get to school). So on I go. I pull into the school parking lot and I feel terrible. Not even really sure how I made it. I call one of my co-workers because I just don’t think I can make it in. My plan was to have her help me in. I would sit and rest for a few minutes and then I would be fine and carry on with my day.

Well I am guessing no one else got the memo about my plan because next thing I know I hear people yelling to call 911 and sure enough next came the sirens! Please dear Lord tell me there was a car accident on the street behind the school and those sirens are not headed here for me. Ok well wrong again! Oh my mercy where is a hole to crawl into!!!

Next thing I know some extremely hot sexy fireman comes rushing to my side. Ok Ok I made up the part about the hot sexy. I honestly have no idea what the man looked like. I never could seem to keep my eyes open long enough to even look at him. But I am sure he was super cute and tan and well just plain dreamy! Except I did not like having to argue with him about going to the hospital and I am pretty sure he was making fun of me because I told him I couldn’t go to the hospital because they would poke me with needles. Sorry off track again, back to the sexy fireman!

I mean he felt dreamy when he was carrying me to my husband’s car….or maybe it was my husband carrying me, but that really doesn’t sound near as fun! Ok people just let me at least have my fantasy (after all I never plan to require an ambulance again).

So long story short. I am fine. I just had a little issue. I am slightly anemic and I was having my 1st period after my pregnancy (which was extremely heavy). Next time I think I will just wear a monogrammed shirt that says “I am menstruating”. After all, the whole world figured it out after my extremely embarrassing Friday morning!


  1. I totally agree with Jenn's comment...that is horrible and hilarious at the same time! I love the part of the sexy fireman! A girl can dream right? Love ya!

  2. Sexy fireman..I am sure it was true! I am glad you are feeling better! Don't be happens ;)


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