Impressed, Not Impressed

Totally random things but the last two days I have been impressed and not so much.

 I have been putting off some blood work that I have needed to have done for about a month now. Yesterday seemed like as good of day as any to finally just get it over with. I already had a babysitter lined up, as I had a brunch to attend, and I am off work right now so off I went. Now, I should explain, I hate needles. I am sure no one just loves to have their blood drawn, but I do just about anything to get out of it. Just knowing I planned to go Thursday morning meant I tossed and turned all night Wednesday. Normally I have someone go with me to hold my hand and keep me brave. This time I was on my own. Some of you don't know how close I was to calling you and making you come with me.

Any way I get to the Mercy lab and to my dismay there are only two people ahead of me. Not that I really like sitting and waiting, but this meant my turn was coming up fast. The lady calls me back. I explain that there is a big possibility that I will pass out on her. She very sweetly turns a fan on and points it right at me. Then ask me to close my eyes. She starts describing the beach with the ocean waves and the breeze blowing.  She tells me to imagine a really hot guy walking toward me. No shirt, cold frozen drink with an umbrella. Next thing I know she says "All done, you ok?". Really, its over? Best blood test I've ever had. Although I did need a few more minutes with my hottie on the beach. HA! Any way if that wasn't impressive enough, by 3:20 yesterday afternoon I had a message in my inbox telling me my lab results. Wow-I've always had to wait at least a week before hearing anything, if  I ever hear anything at all. 

Today, not so impressed. Completely different subject. I love Easter. I love to decorate for Easter. I love to have my kids picture taken with live bunnies and have done so every year since Ashlynn was born. I usually just use a local place in downtown Rogers. They are not anything beyond fabulous. They are certainly not our Benfield pictures, but they are simple and I love them. We have had the same photographer for five years now and loved her. She is fun, easy going, and takes some very sweet simple photos of my children. This year, oh no, someone new. Not very friendly, not easy going, and not good with a two year old that isn't interested in getting his picture made.

Who me?
Jaxton wasn't going to have anything to do with it. Beautiful Ashlynn sat still and posed the entire time, while Jaxton kept saying " no momma, I don't want to". By golly I spent hours and hours in stores trying to find outfits that matched without being too matchy matchy" you are getting your picture made mister".

Any way I pushed the little man into the Easter scene and told the lady to click as quick as she could. He stayed for all of two seconds and refused to smile. I tried sneaking in and tickling him, but my hopes are very low that she got anything decent. Oh well it was only $16 and I got my yearly Easter pictures, like them or not. I do think I should ahve offered to leave Jaxton there for the day to give that young photographer some practice with little ones. She didn't seem to have a clue!


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